Support Spotlight: Career Placement

Career Placement Coordinator Ron Modesty and a group of graduates wave and give the camera a thumbs up.

By Jeff Sanchez | OCTOBER 4, 2021

Support Spotlight Series

In this final installment of the Support Spotlight Series, we feature the career placement services at Capital IDEA.

Many of the adults who come through Capital IDEA have, at one point or another, had their doubts about getting a college education. It can feel risky to invest so much time and money in education when there’s a big question hanging in the air – will this degree get me a job? This is why Capital IDEA is incredibly particular about the degree programs we support. A new career only makes it onto our list when we know who the employers are, we’ve verified there is demand across the Central Texas region, and we’ve confirmed which degree programs or training options most reliably lead to employment. And to further increase the odds of our students finding a living wage job, we offer career placement services.

“I am grateful for the two internships I did while I was with Capital IDEA. It exposed me to professional work environments, and I had a job offer before I even graduated.”

– Jason Lopez
Graduate Spotlight: Be Your Own Hero

Career Placement Support

Career placement services at Capital IDEA provide an advantage to our students. Senior Employment Coordinator, Ron Modesty, assists graduates and soon-to-be graduates by developing their job search skills and creating a winning strategy. These skills include sharpening their resumes and cover letters, preparing for interviews, and knowing where to look for jobs. Ron also follows up with graduates to see if they’ve secured work, and if they haven’t, he provides important feedback to increase their chances of landing the job at their next interview.

In addition to the job search process, our career placement services also help our Information Technology (IT) students secure internships with valuable employer partners. Ron establishes partnerships with companies in the area, like Travis County and VISA, and secures internship slots for Capital IDEA IT students. These internships provide a tremendous advantage to students as it gives them on-the-job experience, and some are offered to stay on as full-time employees with those companies after their internship is over.

Our mission is to get our Central Texas neighbors into great careers. For us, getting a degree is only part of the process. That’s why our support extends past graduation all the way to their first placement and the start of an exciting career. Read more about Career Placement Services here.

Meet The Staff

Ron Modesty, Sr. Employer Coordinator

Q: What is your role at Capital IDEA?
A: I perform all of the Career Placement services offered by Capital IDEA, including placing interns and forming partnerships with employers, but most of my time is spent preparing graduates to conduct professional job searches. I usually meet with our students between their last two semesters, and during their last semester, I have them complete a checklist of crucial items to find the job they want. I then help them to get started with their job searches. I like to think that I am not just preparing our graduates for their first job search but giving them the tools to do job searches for the rest of their working careers.

Q: What is your favorite quote?
A: The great Ann Landers once said: “Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them.”

Q: What is a fun fact your students usually learn about you in the first semester or year?
A: I love my job and have been with Capital IDEA for 22 years. And when I need to relax, you’ll find me on the greens, because I also love to golf. My favorite golf quote is: “They call it golf because all the other four-letter words were taken!”

Our support doesn’t end when you get the degree. We want you to find the job you’ve worked so hard for. If this is the type of support you want, sign up for an info session to get started.

To apply, sign up for an info session: CareerUp »
For questions: 512-457-8610 or
Quick links: Qualifications | Career Directory | FAQs

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