Graduate Spotlight: Sarai Anzaldo

[top] Sarai Anzaldo; Sarai with Career Navigators Lori and Sara. [bottom] Lori and Sarai at her pinning ceremony with her son and guest; Capital IDEA Board Chair Toni Swinton, 2024 Good Neighbor Jesse Navarrete, and Capital IDEA Executive Director Alyssia Palacios-Woods; Sarai with her son and Sara.

August 25, 2024

Capital IDEA’s Whitlow Education Fund Task Force is dedicated to raising funds for Career Expressway students living in Williamson County. Every two years the task force hosts an ice cream social during which we honor an outstanding member of the community who has gone above and beyond in serving Williamson County. On August 25th, 2024, we honored Jesse Navarrete with the Whitlow Good Neighbor Award for his unwavering support of our students and mission along with his numerous other contributions.

2023 graduate Sarai Anzaldo joined us an honored guest and featured graduate speaker. Below is her inspiring speech.

I heard about Capital IDEA in 2016 from my first nurse at Any Baby Can. At the time, I was very overwhelmed with life. I was a single mother and had moved back in with my family after my marriage fell apart. I had been working as a dental assistant for several years, which I enjoyed, but I needed to earn more to take care of myself and my son. Capital IDEA sounded like a good program, but I couldn’t imagine how I would care for my baby and keep up with my financial responsibilities, let alone go to school.

I struggled through school and barely graduated high school. I never imagined myself going to college. Then, another nurse through Any Baby Can mentioned Capital IDEA again. I took it as a sign, so I prayed to God and said, “God, if I get accepted to Capital IDEA, then I know you will help me and open all the doors that need to be opened.”

From the beginning, I had so much support from Capital IDEA staff, such as Mrs. Sara, Ms. Lori, and Damiana. At that time, I didn’t realize how much I needed that accountability in my life. My career navigators held me accountable to my goals and really made a big difference in my life. They guided me and checked in with me, and most of the time, they were like my therapists and my cheerleaders. When I couldn’t face some days emotionally, they were there to listen to me and encourage me. Above all, I really felt that they believed in me and maybe even saw something in me that I couldn’t see myself.

“Above all, I really felt that they believed in me and maybe even saw something in me that I couldn’t see myself.”

I faced many challenges during my time at ACC from registering for classes to having to drive to different campuses. I also worked part-time while going to school, which was especially challenging being a mother who has ADD with a young son who has ADHD. I had to manage a full schedule of classes, along with taking my son to his therapy appointments and going to counseling appointments myself. Thankfully, I had many people to help me, including my family, friends, and my career navigators.

Capital IDEA helped me in many ways. They provided me with resources on how to apply for childcare and gas cards to help with transportation while I was in the dental hygiene program. Above all, they helped me financially.

“All of these supplies can cost thousands of dollars, and because of Capital IDEA, I could have all of them without worrying about how I would afford them.”

In the dental hygiene program, students must pay for instruments, special glasses called loupes, scrubs, leather shoes, etc. All of these supplies can cost thousands of dollars, and because of Capital IDEA, I could have all of them without worrying about how I would afford them. Having financial help made all the difference. If it wasn’t for Capital IDEA, I don’t think I would have given college another chance. Not having to worry and stress every semester about how I would pay for college was an incredible blessing.

Because of the support Capital IDEA provided for me, I am able to have the job I love. I am a Preventive Specialist. In addition to cleaning teeth and educating patients on their oral hygiene, with my training, I learned how to screen for skin cancer from the neck to the head and screen patients for oral cancer.

“I can financially provide for my son and spend time with him without having to work multiple jobs.”

I can financially provide for my son and spend time with him without having to work multiple jobs. Capital IDEA made a huge impact on my life, not only for my future but also for my son’s future. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and plan to pay it forward to my community.

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