Capital IDEA Frequent Questions

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Welcome to our FAQ page. If you don’t see the answer to your question below, please Ask Us ».




Q. Why is this program free?

A. As a nonprofit with a mission to get our Central Texas neighbors into great careers, we raise money for your education. Each year Capital IDEA raises enough money to fund our Career Expressway program and pay for the tuition and textbooks for over 800 adults, like you. And then we send you to college to get a degree in a high-demand career field. If you're eligible for our program, your tuition and textbooks are already paid for by the generous support of our funders. If you're serious about a career with a future, Apply Today or attend a CareerUp to learn more.

Did you know it costs about $5 million a year to make this program available in our community? The money for your education comes from donors, foundations, local employers, and government agencies, including our four largest investors: the City of Austin, Travis County, St. David's Foundation, and Hays County. Central Texas is one of the few regions across the nation to have a locally funded program that can invest in the education of our neighbors. As a resident of Central Texas, you have a unique opportunity for a free college education. It may sound too good to be true but here's the catch— you'll have to do a lot of hard work to earn your degree. We'll also ask you to go to work right away, as soon as you graduate.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Eligibility & Qualifications

  • Whose income do I count? / What if I don’t have any income?
  • Most applicants will provide their own income, the income of their spouse or partner, and any income or benefits their children (under 18) receive. This includes income from your job, child support, benefits or assistance programs, etc. Do not count income for roommates or adult children (18 years or older) who live with you.

    If you do not have any income of your own, you will need to ask the person supporting you to fill out a Financial Support Form (PDF) and provide a utility bill with his/her name on it. This will count as documentation for your proof of income and residency. Note: If you don’t have a printer, you can ask for a copy of the support form when you come into the office for your application steps.

  • What if I’m not a Permanent Resident yet?
  • To qualify for Capital IDEA programs you must be able to prove you have Permanent Resident status. If you are in the process of applying for Permanent Residency, you may begin the Capital IDEA application process but we will not be able to accept you until your Permanent Resident status is confirmed.

  • What if I already have a degree? (USA or other country)
  • Capital IDEA does not accept individuals who have already earned a college degree in the United States. We can make exceptions for individuals who can prove their degree is not valid for employment. Contact us before applying to find out if you might qualify for an exception.

    If your degree is from a foreign country, you will need to have your credits reviewed by Austin Community College (ACC) to determine your credit equivalency. If ACC evaluates your credits to be less than an associate degree, Capital IDEA can help you get the remaining credits you need.

    Transcript evaluation services are available at ACC Highland Business Center located at 5930 Middle Fiskville Rd, Austin, Texas 78702, 3rd floor. If you need to get a foreign degree translated to English, visit

  • Can I still apply if I’m a high school senior but not 18?
  • High school seniors who are in their last semester of school can start applying to Capital IDEA and complete all steps of the process before they turn 18 years of age. However, Capital IDEA will have to wait to accept applicants until they turn 18 years old.

  • What if I have student loans in default?
  • To be accepted by Capital IDEA, you must be in good standing with your student loans. To do that, you will need to set up a payment plan for your defaulted loans. Visit to get started.

  • Can two people from the same family apply?
  • We do not sponsor two people at the same time who rely on each other for income like spouses or domestic partners. This can create financial hardship for the household. However, if you are not financially dependent on one another, like siblings or a parent/child with separate incomes, then yes, two or more people from the same family may apply at the same time.

  • What if I am unsure about my career choice?
  • We want you to finish your degree and move on to a rewarding career. Part of our application process includes going over your interests with a Career Guidance Specialist. This step may help determine the right career field for you, but ultimately it is up to you to make the best choice for yourself. Take the time to research your options and be ready for your commitment interview. You will be asked about your reasons for choosing your career field. Visit our Programs page to explore your career options:
    Tech & Trades
    Career Expressway

  • What if I am already an ACC student?
  • Current ACC students are eligible to apply to Capital IDEA! If accepted, we will sponsor the remainder of your degree or certification. However, we do not retroactively pay for classes you’ve already taken.

  • Does Capital IDEA help with English/ESOL classes?
  • Capital IDEA’s Career Expressway program covers tuition for English Level 3 and 4 at Austin Community College. If you’re ready for Level 3 or above, you can start now: Apply Now 

    If you need Basic English, Level 1, or Level 2 English, complete those classes at Austin Community College and apply to Capital IDEA when you’re ready for Level 3. ESOL Academic Program at ACC 

    How do I know what level I’m at?

    Take the ESOL assessment and keep your receipt. Capital IDEA will reimburse you for the testing fee at Step 4 of the applicaiton process. ESOL Assessment Steps at ACC 

  • Can I reapply to Capital IDEA?
  • We accept reapplications! If you started your application but didn’t finish, you can reapply. If you are a former student of Capital IDEA, and you are ready to return and finish your degree, the answer is ‘YES!’ you can reapply. You must meet our current qualifications, and part of your interview will go over your previous attempts at school and how you’ve prepared to return to school this time.

    Get Started by attending a CareerUp »
    Have questions? Ask Us! »

  • What if I have a criminal background?
  • You can apply to Capital IDEA even if you have a criminal record as long as you meet our other qualifications. However, you may be ineligible for certain careers that require licensing.

    As part of your application paperwork, you will submit a criminal history from DPS. If the career you choose requires licensing (healthcare and some trades), you will be asked to submit an application to the Licensing Board for your chosen career. If the board finds you eligible for licensing, Capital IDEA can accept you. If you can’t be licensed, then we will not pay for your education in that career, and you may have to consider a different career choice.

    You will request a Texas Personal Review – Full Review (service code 11FT12)
    To get started, be sure to use the Texas DPS approved vendor site: IdentoGO »
    Or for more information about the process of getting your criminal background check, read the Texas DPS Personal Review PDF »

  • Am I considered single or married?
  • Here is how we define single and married when talking about your household size and income eligibility.

    You are considered single if you meet all of these:

    – you are not legally married
    and you are not living with someone with whom you have children
    and you do not file taxes jointly with someone else

    You are considered married or living with a partner if you meet any one of these:

    – You are legally married
    or you meet the definition of common law married
    or you file taxes as married
    or you live with someone with whom you have children

    Quick Links: FAQs » | Ask Us » | Qualifications » | CareerUp »

  • What if I’m on probation at Austin Community College?
  • If you are on academic or financial probation at Austin Community College, you will need to get in good standing again before you can apply to Capital IDEA. Talk to an ACC advisor as soon as possible. They’ll let you know what steps you need to take and help you get on track. Once you’re eligible to start taking classes again, start your Capital IDEA application.

    ACC Financial Aid Appeals: Submit a Ticket »
    or email

    Quick Links: FAQs » | Ask Us » | Qualifications » | CareerUp »

CareerUp Info Session

  • Do I have to attend a CareerUp to apply?
  • Yes. Capital IDEA hosts many public CareerUps throughout Central Texas and online. You can find the dates on our website and Facebook page. We also host private CareerUps when we’re invited into classrooms, businesses, housing sites, and partner organizations. If you see a posting for a Capital IDEA presentation at an organization you belong to, show up! That will also count as your CareerUp.

    CareerUp – Sign up»
    Invite us to present to your clients! Email us

  • Do I have to attend another CareerUp?
  • If you attended a CareerUp in the last six months, you do not have to attend a new CareerUp. Move on to Step 2 of the Application Process.

    If you attended a CareerUp more than six months ago (and didn’t move on to the next step) you’ll need to attend another CareerUp. Sign up for a CareerUp »

    If you’ve already submitted an application, you’ll need to call or email us to update your information. Contact us! We’ll help you move on to your next step: 512-457-8610

Student Support

  • What does a Career Navigator do?
  • Every student accepted into the Career Expressway has a unique set of challenges that they must overcome to get their degree and enter the professional workforce. For all, there is a financial barrier. For others, they may be juggling the responsibilities of being a parent, or they may have a language barrier, or they may have been out of school a long time and will need extra academic support. To help students face their challenges, each works with an assigned Career Navigator.

    Similar to school counselors and college advisors, Career Navigators guide students through their academic program. They meet regularly with students, checking in by appointment, phone, and email. They arrange for the student to get textbooks and other support materials so that they’re ready for class. They provide resources to help with any sort of school issue or academic struggle. Beyond that, our Career Navigators talk with students about outside or personal struggles that can affect a student’s progress towards graduation. That’s why a Career Navigator’s role in the Career Expressway program is so important. When a student lets their Navigator know about a personal issue that could affect their academic goals, the Navigator searches for ways to help that student. By providing extra support that wraps around the entire person, not just the student, they are able to help a student overcome obstacles that could prevent that student from getting their degree.

    Career Navigators have helped so many of our students keep up with their classes and push through to graduation. Even when a student must step away from college due to personal reasons, Navigators stay the course and encourage individuals to come back to finish their degree. With this type of support, we’ve had tremendous success in helping individuals achieve their academic dreams.

    Quick Links: FAQs » | Ask Us » | Qualifications » | CareerUp »

College & Classes

  • How long will it take me to graduate?
  • That depends on your starting point and your career choice, but on average our students graduate in 2.5 to 3.5 years.

  • How many classes will I take a semester?
  • As a Capital IDEA student, you’ll commit to moving through your program as quickly as possible. Typically, you’ll aim to take 2 to 4 classes per semester, or about 8 to 12 college credit hours.

  • Can I attend class at night?
  • ACC sets the class schedules and may have some evening or weekend classes, but most classes are during the day. It is unlikely you will be able to take the majority of your coursework at night.

Completing My Application

  • Whose income do I count? / What if I don’t have any income?
  • Most applicants will provide their own income, the income of their spouse or partner, and any income or benefits their children (under 18) receive. This includes income from your job, child support, benefits or assistance programs, etc. Do not count income for roommates or adult children (18 years or older) who live with you.

    If you do not have any income of your own, you will need to ask the person supporting you to fill out a Financial Support Form (PDF) and provide a utility bill with his/her name on it. This will count as documentation for your proof of income and residency. Note: If you don’t have a printer, you can ask for a copy of the support form when you come into the office for your application steps.

  • How do I get a new or replacement social security card?
  • You may be able to request a replacement of your social security card online — see if you qualify Social Security Administration.
    If you don’t qualify to use the online service, or you are requesting for a child, visit the same page as above (Social Security Administration), then scroll down to the section ‘How To Get A New, Replacement Or Corrected Card’.

  • How do I get a new or replacement driver’s license?
  • To get your Texas driver’s license or state ID card visit You’ll see options to renew, change address, or reinstate a license.

  • Do you look at my parents’ income (for recent high school grads living at home)?
  • No, you will not need to provide any information on your parent’s income. Instead, ask your parent to fill out a Financial Support Form (PDF) and provide a utility bill with his/her name on it. This will count as documentation for your proof of income and residency.

    Note: If you don’t have a printer, you can ask for a copy of the support form when you come into the office for your application steps.

  • What if I can’t find my taxes? / What if I didn’t file taxes?
  • If you’ve lost your copy of your taxes, you can get a transcript of your taxes from the IRS by calling (800)–829–1040. Transcripts will be mailed directly to you in 2-3 weeks.

    If you did not file taxes in the past year, we will have you fill out and sign a Tax Declaration Form (PDF). If you don’t have a printer, you can ask for a copy when you come into the office and fill it out there. We’ll add it to your file.

  • Why am I being asked for so many documents?
  • It’s true, we do ask for a LOT of documents. Believe it or not, we try to ask only for documents when absolutely necessary. But here’s why we ask for so much information: We get our funding from government agencies, big foundations, and other private donors. To show that we are using the money responsibly and only in the way we’ve said we would, we have to prove each and every applicant is a real person, who really lives in our community, and meets all of our qualifications.

    At least twice a year we go through a rigorous audit to verify we are documenting our program correctly and storing information safely. We document every aspect of our decision to accept a new student because as soon as we’ve done that, we are able to commit thousands of dollars towards their education. And we LOVE paying for our student’s college, and seeing them succeed!

  • How do I use Adobe Scan? / How do I turn my documents into PDFs?
  • We recommend Adobe Scan to our students and applicants because it is FREE, and it can turn your paper documents into PDFs using the camera on your phone. Scroll down for a tutorial video to help you get started. To get the app, click here:Adobe Scan app

    Remember, if you ever struggle with technology (and who doesn’t), just ask us for a low-tech way to keep going. We have a copy machine in our office available for applicants. Come by and we’ll show you how to use it: 512-457-8610,

    Note: There are several other apps that can create PDFS, like Dropbox for example, and you are welcome to use any app you trust to securely scan and store your personal information.

  • Do I have to take the assessment? Even if I'm already in college?
  • The short answer is: yes. Every applicant has to take an assessment. It counts as part of your application.

  • When Should I Apply?
  • Capital IDEA has three application periods a year. Use the application calendar below to help you plan when to apply.

    Recommended apply by date: March 31.
    Start classes in late May to early June

    JAN – MAR | Applications accepted for Summer.
    APR | LATE applications accepted for Summer. If possible, we’ll start you in Summer, but your start date may get pushed back Fall.

    Recommended apply by date: August 5.
    Start classes in late August

    MAY – JUL | Applications accepted for Fall.
    AUG | LATE applications accepted for Fall. If possible, we’ll start you in Fall, but your start date may get pushed back to Spring.

    Recommended apply by date: December 10.
    Start classes in mid to late January

    SEP – NOV | Applications accepted for Spring.
    DEC | LATE applications accepted for Spring. Your start date may get pushed back to Summer.

  • What happens if i miss the apply by deadline?
  • If you miss the deadline to apply for a specific semester, don’t worry, your application will be considered for the next semester.

  • How do I show proof of where I live (residency)?
  • Provide one of the following: lease, mortgage, or utility bill. As long as your (or your spouse’s) name is on the document, any one of these will count as your proof of residency. You will be providing these anyway to document your living expenses.

    What if my name is not on the lease, mortgage, or utility bills?

    — If you are being supported by someone (like parents or relatives, and have no job), ask the person supporting you to fill out the Financial Support Form (PDF) and provide one utility bill showing his/her name. This will count as your documentation for residency and living expenses.

    — If you are renting or sharing expenses with someone (or living with parents but have a job), you will need to provide ALL three items: 1. A verification letter from the person you are living with (see below), 2. One proof document: a utility bill or copy of lease/mortgage, 3. A piece of (any) mail with your name on it showing the home address. These items count toward documenting your living expenses as well.
    Instructions for Letter: The name on the letter must match the name on the proof document (utility bill or lease). The letter can be as simple as: (Name of applicant) lives with me at this address (give address). He/she contributes $____ monthly to household expenses. Full name, signature, address, and phone number.

  • Can I reapply to Capital IDEA?
  • We accept reapplications! If you started your application but didn’t finish, you can reapply. If you are a former student of Capital IDEA, and you are ready to return and finish your degree, the answer is ‘YES!’ you can reapply. You must meet our current qualifications, and part of your interview will go over your previous attempts at school and how you’ve prepared to return to school this time.

    Get Started by attending a CareerUp »
    Have questions? Ask Us! »

  • What if I started applying but didn’t finish? Do I start over?
  • No, you do not need to start over, but if it’s been more than a year, be aware that our qualifications and career offerings sometimes change. To be accepted, you will need to meet our current qualifications.

    To continue your application, use our contact form to get in touch with the Outreach Team and ask for your next step. They will review your application and let you know what’s next for you: Ask Us »

  • What if I have a criminal background?
  • You can apply to Capital IDEA even if you have a criminal record as long as you meet our other qualifications. However, you may be ineligible for certain careers that require licensing.

    As part of your application paperwork, you will submit a criminal history from DPS. If the career you choose requires licensing (healthcare and some trades), you will be asked to submit an application to the Licensing Board for your chosen career. If the board finds you eligible for licensing, Capital IDEA can accept you. If you can’t be licensed, then we will not pay for your education in that career, and you may have to consider a different career choice.

    You will request a Texas Personal Review – Full Review (service code 11FT12)
    To get started, be sure to use the Texas DPS approved vendor site: IdentoGO »
    Or for more information about the process of getting your criminal background check, read the Texas DPS Personal Review PDF »

  • How do I get my criminal background check?
    You will request a Texas Personal Review – Full Review (service code 11FT12)
    To get started, be sure to use the Texas DPS approved vendor site: IdentoGO »
    Or for more information about the process of getting your criminal background check, read the Texas DPS Personal Review PDF »

    NOTE: If you do not have a criminal record, you are not required to submit a criminal background to Capital IDEA. You can apply to Capital IDEA even if you have a criminal record as long as you meet our other qualifications. However, you may be ineligible for certain careers that require licensing. If the career you choose requires licensing (healthcare and some trades), you will be asked to submit an application to the Licensing Board for your chosen career. If the board finds you eligible for licensing, Capital IDEA can accept you. If you can’t be licensed, then we will not pay for your education in that career, and you will need to choose a different career to continue with your application.

  • How do I get my college transcript?
  • Transcripts can be requested through the school’s registrar’s office. You can often request your transcript online. Try visiting the college’s website and search for ‘registrar’s office’ or ‘transcript request.’ Some schools require written consent before processing your request and will not offer online services. In that case, try calling or visiting the office in person.
    If your college no longer exists, you will have a more difficult time obtaining transcripts. Start with this information sheet: Guidelines for Obtaining Student Transcripts or Records from Private Institutions (pdf)

  • How do I get copies of my high school diploma or GED certificate?
  • To get a copy of your high school transcript, contact the registrar’s office at the school you graduated from. They should be able to get you a copy of your transcript. If you have difficulty getting your request filled by the school, you can try an on-line service like www.needmytranscriptcom.
    For GED certificate, visit the Texas Certificate/Transcript Search to obtain a printable PDF containing the Certificate of High School Equivalency and test scores for $5. The printable PDF will include a diploma-style certificate suitable for framing and a transcript with test dates and scores. The certificates and verifications must be printed during this transaction, so be sure to use a computer that is connected to a printer.

  • How do I get a new or replacement birth certificate?
  • If you need to replace a birth certificate for yourself or a family member who was born in Texas, you can order replacement birth certificates through the Texas Vital Records Department.

    Order online at
    Order in person at 1100 West 49th Street, Building R, Austin, TX 78756.
    Order by phone 512-776-7111.

    For individuals born outside of Texas, you will need to search for the right department in the state they were born in. For example, type “birth certificates New Mexico department of health,” into a search engine like Google or Bing. Look for websites that end in .gov to ensure you are getting the government agency and not a third party agency which will charge you more for the same service.